Monday, April 9, 2012

Dear Jessica (image heavy)

Dear Jessica ********, (her last name has been removed for her protection)
I know you have been influencing people to say platypi. You are WRONG!!!

(blogger fans: forgive my temper. This is a touchy subject for me.)

My reasons for saying platypus:

1. Platypus are very solitary creatures. Thus there is no gregarious term for them.
2. Pi is involved in math. I really don't like math.
3. Who would put a poor platypus in a pie? D: PLATY MURDERER!

These are platypi:
These are platypus:
These are stupid:
So ha. Let the posting war commence!

Your Dearest Friend,
Meg "Princess Platy" *****

PS: Comment on me. We shall battle.
PPS: Blog fans: feel free to comment and join the battle.



  1. haha your posts are so funny!

    I absolutely love this blog! You have a way with words, haha. I agree-it's platypus. Your pictures are always so funny. :)

    Keep on posting! I look forward to new stuff from you.

  2. I love your baby platypus picture!

  3. Thanks, Jenny, thanks, Serena! (I assume you're Asian Ninja.)

    Anyway, I encourage my followers to comment.
